Monday, September 30, 2013

What Do I Know?

When they don't say love is why they are staying married but you are waiting to hear that is the reason, and as a single female in her 40's I have to wonder...

When they say, "I'm staying married because of my kids."
When they say, "I'm staying married because of my promise to God."

If God is love, and love is what makes the world go round and love is what you show your kids, then shouldn't love be in the home that you raise those kids in until they are ready to go out into the world that goes around?

Shouldn't you stay married because you love someone?
Shouldn't you love someone you are married to and therefore you are honoring God?

If you are still in love with the person you have kids with, shouldn't anything you want to do for your kids come out of that as you will show them what respect and love actually are?

But....what do I know?

1 comment:

  1. Thanks to my loyal viewers, I have made a correction HERE. Thank you.
