Friday, April 12, 2019

25 x 2

I'm turning 50 this year, or as I prefer to say, 5 for the tenth time, 10 for the fifth time, or 25 for the second time. In honor of this moment, allow me to share a few thoughts.

When I was five years old, I thought:
the roots that I saw below the grass and underground were parts of the devil,
our skin/body was made of sand, 
every body was scared of their fathers like me,
my mother was the most beautiful, talented, and smartest woman alive,
I would be a teacher,
Elvis was the best,
boys were weird,
my grandparents were the safest people I could be around,
my sister was who I wanted to act like and look like,
my uncles were the two funniest men on earth. 

At ten years old, I believed:
sweat would never stop pouring from my body,
being the tallest among my friends was a complete curse,
my boobs would never stop growing,
I met the funniest and weirdest girl named Cammie,
I hated looking at myself in the mirror. 

During my time as a twenty-five year old, I knew it all.
During my time as a twenty-five year old, I didn't have a clue what the hell I was doing.

Beginning my second act, at 50 years old,  here is what 
the devil has roots all around me,
my body sometimes feels like sand,
fathers are scared,
my mother really is the most beautiful, talented and smartest woman alive,
being a teacher is so cool,
Elvis has a beautiful voice, but I totally get the Beatles,
boys are DEFINITELY weird,
my grandparents were the safest and the grandest place to be,
being my own person and looking like me, is really great,
my uncles were/are still hysterical,
sweat continues to pour from my body and at the drop of a dime,
being the tallest among my friends can be kind of cool,
my boobs are AMAZING,
the best sister and friend a girl could have is still the funniest and weirdest girl named Cammie,
I like what I see in the mirror,
my husband thinks I think I know it all,
I don't have a clue what the hell I am doing, and that is what makes life so damn fun!

Happy Birthday To Meeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

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