If you have the pleasure of 5 or more pairs of Jordans in your closet, then you are considered wealthy...in middle school.
If you have the parental support to rent a Limo Hummer for prom, then you are considered wealthy...in high school.

If you spend more than $6 on a Saturday night, then you are considered wealthy...in college.
If you have a job AND a place of your own, then you are considered wealthy...in your 20's.

If you have the joy of driving a luxury car from another country, then you are considered wealthy...in your 30's.
If you own a home and/or are married, then you are considered wealthy...in your 40's.
If you have not be diagnosed with cancer of any kind or a heart condition, then you are considered wealthy...in your 50's.
If you have been hired to work in the business world of 20 somethings who have a college degree, then you are considered wealthy...in your 60's.
If you have children of your own, then you are the RICHEST person I know.

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