It is said all the time that you do not have to be
blood related to be family, and this has been the case since I was a child. At
10 years old my best friend, gave me another family, including another
grandmother, who was called, 'Geenaw'.
This Monday Geenaw joined other loved ones
in a more celestial place. Her 88 years on Earth was an endless giving of good
things...not Martha Stewart good things, but real women/real life good
Like any grandmother, food was a great gift she
gave us. Geenaw introduced me to
Top’s BBQ, The Rendevous, and of course her catfish is legendary. Mustard. That's right,
mustard. It is a recipe that my family adopted from her and still uses today.

The best part of her tours was being introduced to
the extra pieces of personal fondness she added to each trip, each adventure,
even learning about the Sears building across from the first Krystal Burger and
being shown the motel where Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated.
I do not know if she ever knew her impact on my visits,
but then again maybe she did. She was not a woman who needed kudos just
desserts. I'm talking good stuff like cakes, cupcakes and candy bars.
Geenaw made me feel like one of her very own even
when we would play Yahtzee. She wanted to beat me like any other family member
she played games with, and that is how I knew I was an official granddaughter.
Thanks to Geenaw I fell in love with the Memphis
Zoo and visited it with her frequently growing up. She taught me about volunteering at
the Zoo and how life in your 50's and 60's did not have to include soap operas
and unnecessary mall trips, but enjoying life's creatures and little treasures. I loved
visiting the zoo so much, that when my own family had a reunion near Memphis we
took a trip to the Memphis Zoo, and I got to step in her shoes and play tour
Thank you, Geenaw.
I think I'll go to the Zoo today.
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