Sometimes when different cultures meet there is clash.
Sometimes when different cultures meet there is a spark.Sometimes when different cultures meet there is a new family created.
Last night I became the Godmother of a beautiful little boy who came into this world to two of the sweetest people I know.
Their love story is one made of Hollywood movies.
Last Sunday, sitting in the hospital room it was very apparent how much these two people loved each other. I have never seen love "so loud" without a word being said.
Last night, I got to be a part of their family and their traditons at their new son's naming ceremony.
The naming ceremony is a Nigerian tradition where no one but the parents know their child's name until the day of the ceremony. The parents pray on the decision of what to name their child and it's meaning. Tradition was abundant last night and even a little familiar.

Amens flooded the hearts and mouths of all of us.
The clothing worn by family and friends were carefully thought out and detailed with colors and stitching.
It was a beautiful ceremony with family and friends, even the grandparents who came to town had friends, from their own childhood, visiting.
It was one of the most joyous occasions I have ever witnessed. 
However, the evening was not without a "LiLu Moment".
You see when I get nervous I try to crack jokes to cover up my nervous laugh. It's not that I was nervous, but while sitting in my chair trying to figure out what I was eating at one point, which was delicious, it was suddenly obvious (to me) that I was sitting next to the maternal grandfather, a very stoic, straight posture man with broken English.
Now I can not explain what made me do it, but I started cracking jokes to him.
...Not a smile......Not a wink...
...Not even a turn of the head...
Grandfather sat staring straight ahead eating with out even looking at his plate. I suddenly felt like Lucy without an Ethel.
I shrugged my shoulders, stood up, and went for some more fish at the buffet.
I don't know this for a fact, but I am pretty sure he gave my seat away immediately.